Download PDF Word and Sentence Prosody: The

Word and Sentence Prosody: The Endangered Dialect of Koshikijima Japanese. Haruo Kubozono, Haruo Kubozono

Word and Sentence Prosody: The Endangered Dialect of Koshikijima Japanese

ISBN: 9783110735055 | 235 pages | 6 Mb
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  • Word and Sentence Prosody: The Endangered Dialect of Koshikijima Japanese
  • Haruo Kubozono, Haruo Kubozono
  • Page: 235
  • Format: pdf, ePub, fb2, mobi
  • ISBN: 9783110735055
  • Publisher: De Gruyter
Download Word and Sentence Prosody: The Endangered Dialect of Koshikijima Japanese

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2016 | NINJAL - 国立国語研究所 2017.02.07: Project Meeting: "Cross-linguistic Studies of Japanese Prosody and Grammar" (Project Leader: KUBOZONO Haruo) "Word Prosody and Sentence Prosody"  Word and Sentence Prosody - De Gruyter This is the first comprehensive work on word and sentence prosody in Koshikijima Japanese, a dialect of Japanese not fully documented in the literature. A Stratal OT Analysis of the Intonation of Japanese Dialects For example, one accent type may be sensitive to prosodic or morphological set of words referred to as 'type A' in Koshikijima dialect. abstract-KUBOZONO.pdf This paper discusses the lexical and post-lexical prosody of the Koshikijima Japanese, one of the endangered Japanese dialects spoken in the south of Japan. Secondary High Tones in Koshikijima Japanese - De Gruyter tones in Koshikijima Japanese, a highly endangered dialect spoken on three counting prosodic system with two distinctive accent types/classes (Type A  Word-level vs. sentence-level prosody in Koshikijima Japanese This paper discusses the phonology of tone in Koshikijima Japanese, an endangered dialect spoken on the Koshikijima Islands in the south of  3 Emergence of a secondary H Tone - De Gruyter From the book Word and Sentence Prosody. Haruo Kubozono 1 Introduction to Japanese phonology · 2 Typological features of KosJ word prosody. Kagoshima dialect - Wikipedia - Index of / These would be: the Koshikijima Islands to the West, the Ōsumi Islands directly As the prosodic unit of the dialect consists not of a lexical word but  References - Cambridge University Press conservation of endangered dialects in Japan: Research report on. Izumo dialect], 69–78. Word-level vs. sentence-level prosody in Koshikijima Japanese.

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